Commit Message Example

[Git] 규칙적인 Commit 메세지로 개발팀 협업하기👾

git config --global commit.template .gitmessage

# <type>: <subject>
##### Subject 50 characters ################# -> |

# Body Message
######## Body 72 characters ####################################### -> |

# Issue Tracker Number or URL

# --- COMMIT END ---
# Type can be
#   feat    : new feature
#   fix     : bug fix
#   build   : dependency
#   refactor: refactoring production code
#   style   : formatting, missing semi colons, etc; no code change
#   docs    : changes to documentation
#   test    : adding or refactoring tests
#             no productin code change
#   chore   : updating grunt tasks etc
#             no production code change
# ------------------
# Remember me ~
#   Capitalize the subject line
#   Use the imperative mood in the subject line
#   Do not end the subject line with a period
#   Separate subject from body with a blank line
#   Use the body to explain what and why vs. how
#   Can use multiple lines with "-" for bullet points in body
# ------------------

Branching Rule


Branch Name

A Simplified Convention for Naming Branches and Commits in Git

유형/내용으로 함

예시) feature/input, feature/gantt, fix/fcfs

Pull Request Rule (코드리뷰 관련)

[Github] Pull Request를 통해 코드리뷰(Code Review)하는 법

  1. 한 Issue에 대한 기능 구현 및 수정이 완료되었을 경우 해당 branch를 push
  2. github에서 main branch로 pull request 생성. reviewer로 팀원 한 명이상을 등록
  3. 모든 reviewer는 Files Changed 탭에서 코드를 검토하고 승인한다면 Approve 클릭
  4. 해당 작업의 담당자 혹은 reviewer는 Pull Request를 Merge

Pull Request Comment Templete